A. What is the most powerful image from the pictures printed in the Denver Post over the three weeks they published images from the year of coverage? Why?
24A "Starting to fit in" because its the moment when everything comes together for him and he's been working for that moment for the longest.
B. How do the images work together to tell a story?
It creates a timeline of everything in chronological order so you experience everything from the beginning.
C. How do the captions enhance the photographs?
It provides enough details to know whats going on in that photo. The writer uses present tense to make you feel as if you are in that moment.
D. Summarize the story of Ian Fisher, based just on the captions.
Ian Fisher always wanted to serve his country as he told all of his loved ones on his 17th birthday. Soon after Ian graduates from Bear Creek High School and got all of his requirements for enlistments into the military. Ian soon experiences the harshness of military after two days and starts to have second thoughts but meets his bunkmates to help him get through it. Shortly after Ian gets the hang of his basic training as they become more difficult to simulate whats its going to Iraq. Ian starts to prepare for his year long time in Iraq to fight for USA. After Ian gets back from his journey he celebrates with all his loved ones and marries his girlfriend to live together happily.
E. For the photos in which Ian is the main subject of the photos, in what tense are the verbs usually written?
The verbs in the first sentence of the captions use present tense to create a sense to suggest your witnessing that moment as if you were there.
F. Break down the captions:
1. The captions are usually 2-4 sentences each.
2. The first sentences of each photo explains what is happening.
3. The second sentence contains context.
4. This sentence contains the back ground/history.
5. In fact, most of the captions in this story include a quote.
6. There are some that have 4 sentences.
1. How many sentences are they on average?
About three or 4 sentences per caption
2. Read the first sentence of a couple of them, what information do they provide?
Mainly providing information of the photo its accompanied by.
3. Read the second sentences of a couple of them, what information do they provide?
A past tense sentence providing more information about the first sentence. Also whats going in the photo its describing.
4. If there is a third sentence, what information does it provide?
It describes whats going on at that moment and or whats going on in that photo its under.
5. Do any captions include a quote?
Yes quite a few of them have quotes of Ian's commentary on his experiences or describing what he's going through at that moment.
6. Are there any that have four sentences?
Most of them on average have about four sentences including enough information about the photo.
G. Why do you think it is possible to tell a complete story with just photos and captions?
I think its possible because the captions can give just enough detail about the photo but wont show any deeper detail about it.
H. If you can create a story with just photos and captions, why bother writing a story at all?
Because the story can go into deeper detail about the subjects experiences and thoughts.
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